Thursday, February 17, 2011

Coke machines and the direction of the World

My first post of 2011!

Today I went to El Pollo Loco to get some food, only to find they had one of those new Coke fountain machines. The kind that has tons of different combinations of flavors. It's simply more proof that the best things in life are the simple, unexpected things that just happen.

I've been thinking a lot about the world recently. The whole money-based system we live in and work for. This ridiculous indentured servitude. It's going to collapse eventually, since machines will make unemployment keep rising and inflation will destroy the value of money. I only hope we can come up with a better plan when everything falls apart. We know what we are. We know we can be better than this. We just need to let go.

I'll end with a quote and song from the film "The Last Samurai":

"No one knows what became of the captain, some say he died from his wounds. Others that he returned to his own country. I like to think that he may have found that small measure of peace. Something that we all look for, but very few ever find."

I hope that one day I find my small measure of peace.

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